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Briefing:  Fly-In, Helpful Hints & Reminders:


Ask us for our Fly-In​ Helpful Hints & Friendly Reminder Guide today!


DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver aircraft carries approx. 1100 lbs per flight which includes passenger weight and cargo. Please keep in mind the bulk-physical size of your load as some items you pack maybe light weight but take allot of cargo-area & also some items you pack maybe small/medium size but weighty. As there is a weight & weight distribution.  And Please be assured we discuss in more detail & first hand at time of booking, and well in advance/prior to Fly-in.
Re. Passenger-List - Friendly Reminder, we do require a "Passenger-List" prior to

Fly-in = each person name, home-address, home-phone & also each person actual body-weight (step-on-scale, Please) Email complete passenger-information.
Fly-in, Need to pack for example: sleeping bags, groceries/beverages, personal and fishing gear, boat safety kit, boat-operators-card, life jackets with whistle and flashlights,   lighting for cabin/lantern, fishing licence/regulation booklet, landing net, first aid kit, toilet paper, extra strength garbage bags, dish soap, dish washing cloth, dish drying cloth, scrub pads, mosquito/bug spray/lotion, sun lotion/hat, light rain gear, an axe, a handy to pack own can opener and plastic drinking glasses/paper plates. When planning grocery list please shop for plastic/tin cans and not glass bottles.  Thank you.
We've been reminding everyone this year to please pack in small, light weight boxes for easier transportation and handling. For example, such as rubber maid type plastic container with lid (medium size) notice depth not more than 12.5 inch ideal (however if you don't have a rubber-maid type packing container please do not rush to buy such items as we're simply helping you understand keep your packing contained and not loose articles in  open bags)  - Please no large/ex-big or super size type boxes - and no big hockey bags please - Coolers medium to small size - Please no ex-large coolers.  Also keep in mind don't put your sleeping bag in rubber maid type container or sleeping bag should be in soft type bag. And don't put fishing tackle case/tackle box inside of rubber maid big container because it's really defeating the purpose since it's already contained (please put elastic cord around tackle box so it doesn't open unexpectedly) Cans/plastic beverages okay in case purchased such as case of cans pop/beer/water etc (please make sure card-board case holding cans is sturdy as you may require to tape corners) 
Please put dip net inside of a garbage bag for transporting in plane as it helps contain the net so the webbing doesn't get caught up. Put fishing rod for example in soft material sleeve and not hard plastic case for transporting in airplane. 
Keep in mind that certain items are dangerous goods that we can not fly in the plane.

For example can't fly bear bangers, mace, pepper spray/bear spray, flares, butane, fire crackers, strike anywhere match.  Note that we can not fly butane-bug-spray.  And there are items considered approved dangerous goods that we can fly in the plane but according to specific instructions and handling. Bring safety matches. Gas, propane and naphtha must be transported according to specific instructions and in approved containers and labels. Only certain type of battery can be flown and according to instructions.  Small flashlight batteries D,C,A, AAA size ex. are okay in flashlights but the replacement same size flashlight size batteries need to be in sealed plastic case they are purchased in. To discuss dangerous goods further & for more information please call (705) 849-2389 and discuss first hand.  And Please be assured we discuss in more detail upon booking.
Friendly Reminder - Please no outdoor-camp-fires.
We do not sell fishing licences. If you require fishing licence need to purchase before you get here.  Also be sure to understand limits and regulations specific to the lake your fishing and fish species and please understand procedure for packing your fish for transporting so if you get checked by MNR etc you're within limit and within regulations. Thank you. 
We've had to remind everyone to please remember to tidy and clean the camp before the plane arrives for the return flight to the base. Please make sure the dishes are washed and put away and the fridge has been cleaned and washed. Please do not leave any food and do not leave any garbage in the camp when you leave - all garbage comes out with your flight - use heavy duty garbage bags and double bag the garbage - garbage must then be put in your empty plastic rubber maid container (keep in mind rubber maid container you brought in packed with groceries used now for containing garbage bags coming out)   Thank you - it is very much appreciated.
We explain to groups to pack the night before to ensure most of the packing is done ahead of time and the cabin cleaning is organized and completed - and then the next morning it's basically easier to finalize packing and finish cleaning. There is a broom, dust pan, mop/bucket at the camp for your use - please sweep the floor and give it a mop with soap and water. Please be sure dishes/pots etc are clean/washed, Thank you.  All pitch in for a comfortable, clean and safe environment. Thank you - it is very much appreciated.
When cleaning fish.  Please do not leave any fish remains near or around the dock area, camp area and not on the shoreline or in the water. Please physically transport all fish remains out to an island or by boat a distance away from the cabin - dispose of on the land and not in the water nor shoreline where waves would wash them into the lake.
Please remember, that all flights are weather permitting...and bad weather means delayed flights...your travel plans should include scenario of delayed weather plan and should the weather not cooperate and is not flyable the day of your scheduled return/pickup flights then you'll be another night at the location lake...and the plane will arrive next day when weather clears as soon as weather and schedule permits.  
Please discuss this information with everyone in your group to prepare.  
And we always like to remind people...Please be sure you know driving directions to flight base and you have the current/updated flight time of flights.  It's helpful to give us a call at 705-849-2389 day or so prior to your Fly-in and prior to arriving at Base - Friendly Reminder when planning your driving route Please give plenty of time for possible driving delays due to if highway construction etc.
Hope this information is helpful!
Have a Great Day!

R. Makela's - Lauzon Aviation
RE. Transport Canada has a new floatplane safety web-portal
Floatplane safety. Please keep Canada's Aviation system one of the safest in the world.
Transport Canada has a new floatplane safety web-portal please view on-line to help increase awareness of flying safe in floatplanes. 
RE. Boating
All boat operators are required to show proof of competency in order to operate a powered watercraft. This rule applies regardless of boater age or the size of their watercraft. It includes any motorized watercraft.
Proof of competency can include any one of the following:
1) Possession of a Canadian Pleasure Craft Operator Card.
2) Possession of a National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved boater card.
3) A completed rental-boat safety checklist. If your guests are renting a boat from you and do not have their operators card, they can use the Rental-Boat Safety Checklist to comply with the regulations. Please note, a checklist will have to be completed by each individual that intends to operator the boat.
RE. Boating card.  Does each boat-driver have a boat-card? Reminder - also be sure to have your own boat-safety equipment/kit in boat.  For example for in boat as per


RE. Fishing Regulations - Fishing Ontario Recreational Fishing - Zone 10 specific regulations:  Download Here.

(US Dept of State web site)

(Passport Canada web site)


Don't Forget the Basics:


  • Groceries

  • Sleeping Bag & Personal Gear

  • Fishing Equipment & Net

  • Life Jackets & Boat Safety Equipment

  • Fishing License & Boat Operator Card

  • Hunting / Gun Licenses

  • Toilet Paper, Garbage Bags, Cleaning Supplies

  • Dish Soap / Towels

  • Light Rain / Bug Gear & Spray

  • First Aid Kit / Lantern / Flashlight

  • Hunting / Fishing Regulation Guidebook(s)

  • Lighting for the Cabin & Flashlights


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Lauzon Aviation - Blind River, Ontario, Canada - (705) 849-2389 -

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